Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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Alternative Law

In order for mediation to completely achieve its goals, there must be an excellent process and procedure, willing participants, and expert mediators.
In order for mediation to completely achieve its goals, there must be an excellent process and procedure, willing participants, and expert mediators. Many of our professionals have been mediating, training, and negotiating for over 20 years.All of our mediators have been trained by Bar Association a

Vintage California

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tage California Postcard Plugs
Vintage California Postcard Plugs

Monday, April 4, 2011

Low rise panties, boyshorts and thongs


Paha Que Tepee Shower & Outhouse with Fiberglass Poles

If you are an avid enthusiast of outdoor recreation and camping, then you might want to consider getting yourself the Paha Que Tepee Shower and Outhouse with fiberglass poles. This two in one shower and outhouse is very well made with a smart and unique tepee design. Its fiberglass poles provide strong support, allowing it to resist any extreme weather conditions that you may encounter during your camping trips, including harsh winds and heavy rains. A unique mesh carrier hanging from the ceiling allows for holding a 2.5 gallon shower bag. This is definitely a must have for anyone spending an extended period of time outdoors in seclusion, and its efficiency and ease of use certainly make it a useful item to have on hand in nature. Easy to follow instructions sewn inside the carry bag promise an under 10 minute one-person setup. The Tepee is lightweight, portable, and easily stows in a 8" x 26" zippered carry bag that weighs about 10 pounds. Whether camping solo or with the entire family, the Paha Que Tepee Shower and Outhouse is perfect for meeting plenty of your campsite needs.
Specs & Features
• "No-see-um" mesh roofing and bottom side panels were added to enhance ventilation
• The detachable heavy-duty, waterproof flooring engineered to allow drainage of shower run off and to keep the bugs out
• Rainfly includes unique clear vinyl panels, that warm the shower bag (not included) when rotated to face the sun
• Stows in duffel style carry bag with straps, 8" in diameter and 26" long
• Easy one person set up in under 10 minutes

Vintage California Postcard Plugs



mineral makeup
We all want a glamorous look for all that we do, it’s the same with getting the right outfit to wear every day; you want to look great and feel natural. Everyone is looking for those better cosmetic products to keep your skin looking young and feeling great; many have used all the brand name make-up producers create the finest make-up but you will find that some of the chemicals in the ingredients can be harsher for your skin. Sometimes you find that some make-up just doesn’t work for them with some make-ups like foundation of various brands clogging your pores and masking your face almost so it doesn’t breathe. That is why many are turning to mineral make-up; mineral make is all natural and softer on skin.
Using mineral makeup can be the best in health and beauty care; the mineral make-up can come in many brands such as the Revlon, Maybelline and Max factor – there are so many like the Estee Lauder that is creating more mineral based make-up. Using mineral make-up is becoming more and more in fashion and today the trend of make-up is turning to mineral based products. The mineral make-up is just the beginning of beautiful and carefully executed make-up; many are wishing to find products which will only compliment their skin and who can choose better than having oil based products that will harm your skin rather than help it breathe and look naturally.
With natural mineral based make-up you will find that it is softer on your skin and lets you feel great about yourself; can feel like a smooth cream and will work with many types of skins. What makes minerals make-up perfect to use, is that there is no harmful chemicals in any of its ingredients including oils and fragrances.

David J. Gardner's RESUME SUCCESS

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Finally, the Secrets to Making the

Perfect Resume are YOURS!

I was shocked. 

It wasn’t long into my career as a recruiter that I discovered that the main reason that job-seekers weren’t getting the call, the interview, and the job wasn’t their skills or background.

It was their resume.

Because it ALL starts there.

Time and again I would post a job and receive fifty or more resumes…sometimes over a hundred. And time and again it took only 5 seconds for me to decide that they were not going to be interviewed. Not necessarily because they didn’t have some good, relevant experience, not because they weren’t likely bright and professional just like you..but because their resume just wasn’t good enough.

Look at it this way.  Recruiters are very busy. After they’ve posted a position on their website or job board, their BIGGEST priority is to as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE go through the resumes they get and short-list the best applicants to contact for an interview. Remember, the ONLY way they can judge you is by your RESUME.  A fantastic resume is a clear reflection of your ability to impress their client (company or hiring manager).  Impressing their client is vital to them!  Even if your experience is good, a poor resume will tell them you are not the level of quality their client is looking for.

The REAL Truth about Resumes

Over the years my experience in recruiting let me to understand the sad but true reality about resumes:

About ONE THIRD of the resumes I receive were BAD. Sometimes it was awful spelling or grammar, other times it was disastrous formatting or clear inconsistencies, but often it was a real lack of fundamentals and understanding of what I was looking for that made me delete them.

This is harsh, I know, but it’s true. I’m here to tell you how it REALLY is for recruiters.  A recruiter is just too swamped to deal with a resume that doesn’t last that first 5 second test screening.  It can be easy to turn a recruiter off.  Into the recycle bin you go.

The second ONE THIRD of resumes received were what could be considered OKAY. No glaring mistakes, but clearly the candidate didn’t understand proper resume formatting, use of space, organization, powerful wording, or the responsibilities of the job I’d posted.  They obviously weren’t trying very hard to help me help them.

I never met ANY of these TWO THIRDS…EVER.  Maybe some of them would have been perfect for the positions I was looking to have filled…but their resume was the FIRST and ONLY way of convincing me they were good for the role…and they failed.

Most of the FINAL ONE THIRD were either Good or Very Good in quality. Sometimes I met these people. Sometimes.  But that depended on the final 5% of resumes….the EXCELLENT resumes.

These are always a JOY for a recruiter to read. They are powerful, attractive, easy to read, and make our job easier. Not only do recruiters feel a bond with these people, we’re secretly ON THEIR SIDE, because they clearly GET IT. I ALWAYS started with the EXCELLENT resumes.  And if I had enough of these to make my shortlist (usually about 6-8 people) then I didn’t call ANY of the others. I didn’t need to.

That’s right. Even the Very Good resumes were skipped if I had enough Excellent ones.  I would file them away for possible consideration for some future position...maybe. But as for this job? They were out.

I wasn’t alone…I talked to my recruiter colleagues, all who regularly screened thousands of resumes and everyone agreed.  Every single recruiter has the same ongoing frustration: we find that the overwhelming majority of people FOR WHATEVER REASON give us sub-standard resumes. 

I wondered WHY?  If the quality of their resume is TRULY the difference between getting the interview (and then the job) or being ignored, then why don’t more people make their resumes EXCELLENT??

It helped me realize that the VAST majority of people just don’t know what it takes to hit this top have an excellent resume that leads to success.

Some of you may be thinking that YOUR resume is probably in this top category already…or at LEAST very good.  Think again. In order to test my theory, I started asking my applicants what level they thought their resume was at…and over 90% of them thought it was BETTER than it really was. People are fooling themselves!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Greener Step

Camping Shower World


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Eye Makeup
smokey eye makeup
rainbow eye makeup
We all want to find the perfect
makeup tips for natural look; whether it’s lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadows, foundations
or concealer’s but we all want to find the ones which are going to work with our skin and not be harsh as other big
brand names can be.
beautiful makeupSometimes it’s because of harsh chemicals that can be found in most of
the cosmetic products around and it can be hard for those with sensitive skin to find make-up that won’t mask
your face.
inding make-up which is less
harmful can be best though now in these times, we’re finding it more difficult as we all that finding money tighter
is becoming and are looking for make your own make-up instead.

First of all, buy your ingredients that you will need; any
earth based materials and bases already made – lotions unscented and herbs, oil etc. Search for a recipe – it may
sound strange but you need to look for one so you know how to get started and for beginners just a little face wash
could be best. Follow the instructions carefully if you begin to try your hand at more and more different and
complex recipes. Trial runs and testing on yourself could be best before you start handing out products to your
friends and family – just in case.


Thursday, March 31, 2011


Amplify’d from
Eye Makeup
We all want to find the perfect
makeup tips for natural look; whether it’s lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadows, foundations
or concealer’s but we all want to find the ones which are going to work with our skin and not be harsh as other big
brand names can be.
beautiful makeupSometimes it’s because of harsh chemicals that can be found in most of
the cosmetic products around and it can be hard for those with sensitive skin to find make-up that won’t mask
your face.
For brands that mask your face
because of them being thicker and doesn’t allow your skin to breathe are ones you really have to avoid because they
will clog your pores. F
inding make-up which is less
harmful can be best though now in these times, we’re finding it more difficult as we all that finding money tighter
is becoming and are looking for make your own make-up instead.
makeupIf you chose to make your own make-up then it can start off as an experiment or
even a hobby to begin with; the only trouble is knowing which ingredients you are going to need and that while
creating your make-up, that you and the product is safe to use on your skin.

First of all, buy your ingredients that you will need; any
earth based materials and bases already made – lotions unscented and herbs, oil etc. Search for a recipe – it may
sound strange but you need to look for one so you know how to get started and for beginners just a little face wash
could be best. Follow the instructions carefully if you begin to try your hand at more and more different and
complex recipes. Trial runs and testing on yourself could be best before you start handing out products to your
friends and family – just in case.



Amplify’d from
Eye Makeup
hot pink eye makeup
rainbow eye makeup
We all want to find the perfect
makeup tips for natural look; whether it’s lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadows, foundations
or concealer’s but we all want to find the ones which are going to work with our skin and not be harsh as other big
brand names can be.

First of all, buy your ingredients that you will need; any
earth based materials and bases already made – lotions unscented and herbs, oil etc. Search for a recipe – it may
sound strange but you need to look for one so you know how to get started and for beginners just a little face wash
could be best. Follow the instructions carefully if you begin to try your hand at more and more different and
complex recipes. Trial runs and testing on yourself could be best before you start handing out products to your
friends and family – just in case.



Amplify’d from
Eye Makeup
hot pink eye makeup
smokey eye makeup
rainbow eye makeup
green eye makeup
We all want to find the perfect
makeup tips for natural look; whether it’s lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadows, foundations
or concealer’s but we all want to find the ones which are going to work with our skin and not be harsh as other big
brand names can be.
beautiful makeupSometimes it’s because of harsh chemicals that can be found in most of
the cosmetic products around and it can be hard for those with sensitive skin to find make-up that won’t mask
your face.
For brands that mask your face
because of them being thicker and doesn’t allow your skin to breathe are ones you really have to avoid because they
will clog your pores. F
inding make-up which is less
harmful can be best though now in these times, we’re finding it more difficult as we all that finding money tighter
is becoming and are looking for make your own make-up instead.
makeupIf you chose to make your own make-up then it can start off as an experiment or
even a hobby to begin with; the only trouble is knowing which ingredients you are going to need and that while
creating your make-up, that you and the product is safe to use on your skin.

First of all, buy your ingredients that you will need; any
earth based materials and bases already made – lotions unscented and herbs, oil etc. Search for a recipe – it may
sound strange but you need to look for one so you know how to get started and for beginners just a little face wash
could be best. Follow the instructions carefully if you begin to try your hand at more and more different and
complex recipes. Trial runs and testing on yourself could be best before you start handing out products to your
friends and family – just in case.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

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early pregnancy symptoms

So what are some of the early
pregnancy symptoms
that you may have to deal with as a pregnant women? Well the most common are
morning sickness, constant urination, tender breast, facial acne and even the occasional ups and downs of your

Some women in their early stages also experience
headaches. This normally occurs in the 6th week and can be controlled by more naps during that time. A common sign
of course is a missed menstrual cycle. It's almost 72 percent you have conceived a child if you have been actively
sexual and this happens.

No one really likes headaches so try to keep in
mind that they are temporary and usually go away by the 3rd or 4th month of pregnancy.


Getting tired or the fancy word fatigued is also
another indicator of being pregnant along with the above symptoms.


A very light period may start occurring as a
symptoms of being pregnant as well. There are many women who report this and sometimes it's an indication of a
miscarriage. Make sure you check with your doctor if this occurs.

Heartburn and constipation is normal in the months of 1 to 4
and this is caused by hormonal changes within the body of the women. remember you are now carrying another human
which can cause the changing of your digestive system and also place pressure on vital organs which causes stress
and other strange things. Symptoms vary from person to person so be aware of all symptoms and read as much as you
can about pregnancy.

See more at

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take a Greener Step

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(only $0.83 per brush)

2 adult + 2 kid handles

12 adult +12 kid brush heads

  • Reuse the handle

  • Save Money

  • Help your planet

  • Designed for families with kids ages 4 -11

  • Diamond-shaped head for easier access to back teeth

  • Ergonomic re-usable handle with non-slip rubber for a better grip

  • Multi-level bristles for better plaque removal

  • Angled head for gentler and deeper cleaning

  • Innovative "snap" system securely locks brush head to the handle

  • Easily removable and replaceable brush heads

  • Choose from two brush head contour designs

  • 1 to 2 year brush head supply (depending on change frequency)

  • Reduce plastic waste by 1 pound, the equivalent of 75 plastic     shopping bags

  • Save 60%-80% over conventional toothbrushes

GreenerStep Story

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Our Story

Greener Step was founded in 2010 to design, manufacture and bring to market everyday products that are better for our planet. We have always been very conscious about the ecological impact that our choices have on our planet and on how dependent our daily lives are on stuff that is not so good for the environment. But we firmly believe that if we switched to better designed and more responsible products slowly we can put a little less stress on our planet. The Snap Toothbrush System is proof that through innovative design we can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our landfills and oceans. Most importantly, our customers are able to smile with confidence knowing that they save money. Plus, being only "snap" away from a brand new brush is simply so convenient that you can eliminate any excuses for overusing your toothbrush.

Our Mission

  • Design, manufacture and market innovative consumer products that are better for the environment

  • Give customers greener and more economical choices without sacrificing quality and performance

  • Reduce waste, Re-use materials, & encourage Recycling in everything we produce

Design & Performance

With the Snap toothbrush system we set out to design a "state of the art" manual toothbrush that can significantly reduce the amount of plastic we discard.  We worked with Dentists & Hygienists to design a toothbrush that performs at the same level of the leading conventional toothbrushes in the market today.  After extensive testing and improvements to the design we are confident that our customers will love brushing their teeth with their Snap toothbrush. 

Our Guarantee

We are confident that the Snap toothbrush system will exceed the oral hygiene needs of our customers while respecting our planet. If you are not completely satisfied, simply return the product for a full refund. 

Getting The Word Out

Finally, for Greener Step to be successful we must compete against the industry giants in a smarter way. We must rely on simple word of mouth, and leverage sites like Facebook to create awareness that there are better alternatives out there.
We know that you will love our products and we trust that you will help us spread the word.

Developing New Green Products

We are currently evaluating new all natural materials that can be effective substitutes to petrolium based plastics. Our goal is to develop toothbrushes and other every day products made from natural & biodegradable fibers.  In the future, we hope we could give our customers more options for further reducing our dependence on non-biodegradable plastics.

Recycling Program

We would like to encourage our customers to help us recycle the worn out brush heads while continuing to reuse the handle. As an incentive we will provide a discount from your next purchase every time you send back the worn brush heads. So don't forget to check out our Recycling Program for more details.

Giving Back to the Planet

A portion of Greener Step™ profits supports environmental cleanup efforts across the planet. Every year we donate 10% of profits and are proud members of 1% For The Planet.


“L’Oiseau Volage” Plugs

ART DECO L’Oiseau Volage Barbier Power Plugs™ 2g-1″

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“L’Oiseau Volage” Plugs by George Barbier, one of the greatest art deco artists. This piece is from 1914 showcasing a beautiful and glamorous lady draped in jewelry.

Molded red acrylic, smooth and symmetrical all around.

Pairs are mirror images.

See more at


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One of our newest creations. 4 golden pyramid studs embedded in clear acrylic. Black&Gold.  Studs are everywhere right now. One of those trends that truly trickled up the fashion chain. You see them in the runway for high fashion names such as Givenchy, Gucci, and Chanel. It is an impressive achievement for a look that started very underground. We predict these will be a classic staple in your collection.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Switch to the Snap Toothbrush

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What would happen if we switched to the Snap Toothbrush System?

  • A snap-in brush head weighs 1.4 grams (.05 oz.)

  • This is less than 8% of the weight of a conventional toothbrush

  • By cutting out 92% of the plastic waste generated by conventional toothbrushes, we
    could eliminate over 74 billion pounds of plastic waste from the environment

Our Challenge

Getting the world's entire population to switch to snap-in manual toothbrushes is unrealistic. However, if we could persuade just 5% of eco-conscious Americans to make the switch, we could eliminate over 168 million pound of plastic waste (a pile the size of 15,320 African elephants). Wouldn't you rather join that eco-conscious 5% and be part of the solution?

Our Commitment to the Planet

In addition to donating a portion of sales and profits to environmental causes, we are evaluating how to substitute the small amount of plastic in our products with natural fibers. We are currently evaluating the possibility of developing new products made with natural fibers. In the future, we hope to give our customers more options for further reducing our dependence on non-biodegradable plastics.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office

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Being a Google Apps Reseller we get to hear about all the new features that Google are working on to improve Google Apps. Yesterday  Google released “Google  Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office” Plugin which can be downloaded here.

Google Apps Authorised Reseller

Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office brings collaborative multi-person editing to the familiar Microsoft Office experience. Users can share, backup, and simultaneously edit Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents with coworkers.

As soon as the plugin was launched we downloaded it to test for ourselves, simple easy install and configuration. Within minutes we were up syncing with our Google Docs library and sharing between ourselves and devices. The Plugin seemed to work smoothly with a really easy to use interface. You can easily sync and share any Microsoft Office document and with 1 click access to the actual document stored in Google Apps.

We are hoping Google continues to work and improve what the Google Cloud Connect Plugin can offer. Maybe we will see further development with integration with other popular application suites.

The Google Apps Cloud Connect Plugin combined with Google Sites can offer an amazing Intranet / Extranet Solution for any business and we can see it becoming more powerful than Microsoft SharePoint.

Google Apps Cloud Connect helps users become familiar with the benefits of web-powered collaboration and makes a smooth transition to 100% web productivity tools –  THE FUTURE. Google Cloud Connect is just one more reason to start using Google Apps Premier for your Business. Even if your not ready to move to a new messaging platform, Google Apps has a lot more to offer than just a robust Email service.

Radweb are Google Apps Authorised Resellers. If you would like to know more on how Google Apps can help you and your business call us today on 0800 6 122 155.